French Language Instructor

WhatsApp available
  • Job Ref.No: 01196712
  • Budget:
  • Timeline: to be confirmed later
  • Closing on: 16/07/2024
  • Country: Singapore

Freelance Job Description

Service Required: Language Trainer
Language: French
Level: A2 & B1 (CEFR)
Duration: 300 Hours
Type: Onsite 
Location: MFA Singapore office (Exact location will be shared later)
Job Requirement
No. of Students: 1
Frequency: 5 Days a week (Mon-Fri)
Timings: TBC (5 Hours each session)
Start Date: 15th July 
End Date: 4th October

Please let us know if you are available and interested in taking on this project. We would be delighted to have you on board. Could you let us know your lumpsum rate for this project?

We are excited to hear back from you.

Please DO NOT provide your credit card details when applying for jobs. Applicants are advised not to pay any upfront payments, investments or any registration fee for the purpose of applying jobs.

This job ad was updated on 24/06/2024 at does not charge any fee or take any commission for finding and applying jobs.
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