Apac Food Expo Promoter

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Quack Quack


Singapore EXPO, Hall 5

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  • Job Ref.No: 01196555
  • Budget:
  • Timeline: to be confirmed later
  • Closing on: 10/05/2024
  • Country: Others

Freelance Job Description

We are the dessert company in Hong Kong called Mochi Tori, and we are going to hold an exhibiton in Singapore Expo Hall 5 from 2/5 to 5/5. We would like to hire the local promoter to help to make our signature product - Mochi Flake, as well as doing packing and being a cashier. 

Here is our Instagram & Facebook Page for your reference.
IG:  //instagram.com/mochitorihk/
FB: //facebook.com/MochiToriHK/
Job Requirement
- To promote and sell our Mochi Flake to customer.
- To make and do the packing for our Product
- To help the customer to place an order.

Please DO NOT provide your credit card details when applying for jobs. Applicants are advised not to pay any upfront payments, investments or any registration fee for the purpose of applying jobs.

This job ad was updated on 23/03/2024 at https://www.freelancezone.com.sg/freelance-job/1023310150301196555/apac-food-expo-promoter.html. FreelanceZone.com.sg does not charge any fee or take any commission for finding and applying jobs.
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